Sunday, September 27, 2009

257 of 365

1. Betty & J-Rod welcome their little bundle of Sunshine. Ah...babies.

2. Correctly predicting Sunshine would be a girl.

3. Nicknaming the baby Sunshine whilst still in the womb, & whilst unaware that Sunshine would actually be part of her name.

4. Realizing I'm part phycic. Aura & palm readings only $59! Line starts at the door, boys & girls. No pushing or shoving ~ there's plenty of The Wondrous Wilma to go around.

5. Not as broke as I thought I was!!

Clawing my way to happiness through 365 Days Of Grace.


Poopsie aka Blue said...

Congratulations to Betty & J-Rod.
Are you still play writing with him?


Wilma said...

Yes, we're still writing. We've got a couple we're working on right now. It's just harder now that they don't live a block away...less convenient to get together to brain-storm!

velvis said...

i would love for you to give me a psychic reading next time I am in town--I am coming a knocking


(you will have to predic that--lol)